
Fri, 07/03/2025 00:00

Surplus Sale

Fri, 14/03/2025 00:00

Radio Programming - Derry

Fri, 21/03/2025 00:00

Video Evening

Fri, 28/03/2025 19:45 to 21:30

Offshore Pirate Radio

Please note that club members that are joining by Zoom should not join before 19:55 ...

Paul - G1SGZ will be conducting a presentation on British Offshore Pirate Radio stations from the 1960's

Fri, 04/04/2025 00:00

Proggramme Planning Evening

Fri, 18/04/2025 00:00

Natter Night

Fri, 09/05/2025 19:45 to 21:30

MOTA Prep / Natter night

Preparation for this weekends Mills on the air over at Heage Windmill.

Fri, 20/06/2025 00:00

Museums on air prep Natter Night

Fri, 22/08/2025 19:45 to 21:30

BiWota - Prep / Natter Night

Please note that club members that are joining by Zoom should not join before 19:55 ...Preparation evening for BiWota.

Fri, 26/09/2025 19:45 to 21:30

Rota - Prep / Natter Night

Please note that club members that are joining by Zoom should not join before 19:55 ...

Preparation evening for Railways on the air and natter night to discuss what you may have purchased from Hamfest earlier in the day.

